Who We Are

The ClimEx Handbook was written by 115 scientists from 21 countries on four continents. See individual protocols for the detailed author list.


The ClimEx Handbook developing team consists of:

Aud H. Halbritter
I'm the editor of the ClimEx handbook and webpage. My research interests are global change and ecosystem ecology. I work in alpine areas and use large-scale experimental, trait-based and gradient approaches. Currently, I am working on the THREE-D project, studying the effects on warmer climate, nitrogen deposition and grazing on biodiversity and carbon cycling in grasslands.
Vigdis Vandvik
María Almagro
María Almagro is a soil ecologist and biogeochemist working at the Soil and Water Conservation Research Group from the Spanish Research Council, Murcia, Spain. Her research focuses on understanding the impacts of changes in climate, land use and land management on soil carbon fluxes with particular interest in soil respiration, plant litter decomposition, and sediment dynamics. She is in charge of Chapter 2.2.10 Soil water erosion
Gesche Blume-Werry
Gesche is a Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Greifswald, Germany. She is an ecosystem ecologist with a passion for high latitude ecosystems and interested in the interplay of plants and their environment. Her work in arctic tundra and temperate peatlands focuses on belowground plant processes, such as root phenology and root production, and often includes measurements outside of the growing season.
Hans De Boeck
I'm a researcher at the University of Antwerp, and was editor of chapter 5 of this handbook (stress physiology). My research field is global change ecology, with a focus on effects of climate change and climate extremes on the functioning of terrestrial ecosystems, and modulation of impacts by ecosystem characteristics (biodiversity, composition, etc.). I'm involved in AnaEE, which connects experimental research platforms in Europe.
Ika Djukic
I am researcher at the Environment Agency Austria. My research interests lays in understanding of biogeochemical processes on the interface vegetation-soil in alpine ecosystems across different biomes. Currently, I am coordinating a global litter decomposition initiative, TeaComposition, and I am involved in Soil BON forum focusing on global soil biodiversity monitoring. I contributed to the section 2.2.6 of the Handbook: Foliar litter decomposition
Lucia Fuchslueger
I'm a post doc researcher at the Centre of Microbiology and Environmental Systems Science at University in Vienna, Austria. My research focuses on soil biogeochemisty, on the role of microbes in soil organic matter production and turnover, how microbes influence soil carbon storage and nutrient availability and how they interact, compete or collaborate with plants belowground - on small scales in the rhizosphere to large gradients from tropical to subarctic ecosystems. I am in charge of chapter 2.2.8 Soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition.
Anke Jentsch-Beierkuhnlein
I am a professor of disturbance ecology and vegetation dynamics at the University of Bayreuth in Germany and one of the main authors of the ClimEx Handbook. My experimental research focusses on the effects of climate extremes on biodiversity and ecosystem functions, and I am leading the chapter on species and interactions. With my research site representing temperate grassland I participate in several collaborative, distributed, ecological experiments in ecology such as DroughtNet, NutNet, HerbDivNet, SIGNAL and SUSALPS.
Klaus Steenberg Larsen
I am associate professor at the University of Copenhagen with a research focus on effects of climate change on carbon and nitrogen cycling in ecosystems and in particular on the exchange of greenhouse gases (CO2, CH4 and N2O). I am much involved in the European research infrastructure for experimentation on ecosystems called AnaEE, where I am heading the AnaEE Technology Centre. I also coordinate the national Danish node for AnaEE called AnaEE Denmark and site manager of the CLIMAITE experiment in a Danish heathland ecosystem.
Jonas Lembrechts
Jonas Lembrechts is a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Antwerp, Belgium, interested in the environmental conditions experienced by plants at their range limits. He is in charge of Chapter 5.1 - Chlorophyll fluorescence.
Marc Macias-Fauria
I am associate professor at the School of Geography & the Environment, University of Oxford (United Kingdom). I contributed to the section 5.12 of the Handbook: Reflectance assessment of plant physiological status My research interests focus on the coupling of vegetation with abiotic processes in cold environments (mostly Arctic and alpine). To this end, I often employ remote sensing of vegetation over a range of scales. I also like to look for fossil material to infer long-term ecological processes.
Catherine Preece
I'm a postdoctoral researcher at CREAF (Ecological and Forestry Applications Research Centre) in Catalonia, Spain, and was reviewer for chapter 2.1.5 Root exudation (in situ). I study plant-soil interactions and their responses to climate change in both natural and agricultural systems. My current work is focused on differences between crops and their wild relatives.
Relena R. Ribbons
My research is focused on soil biogeochemistry, forest and ecosystem ecology, and climate science. I am interested in examining the functional links between tree species, soils, microbial communities and nitrogen cycling. My research extends from dendroclimatology and aboveground and belowground interactions in natural and managed landscapes included forests, prairies, wetlands, and agricultural sites.
Fiona Soper
I am an ecosystem ecologist and Assistant professor at McGill University, Canada. My research explores the interface between plant physiology and ecosystem nutrient cycling. I work across a range of biomes from deserts to rainforests, and am especially fascinated by drivers and responses to global change. I am the author of Chapter 2.1.6 (Foliar nutrient stoichiometry and resorption).
Thomas Wohlgemuth
I’m a senior scientist at the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research WSL, Switzerland. My research topic is disturbance ecology in forests of Central Europe with a focus on forest rejuvenation and tree recruitment. In my lab, studies on tree and forest resilience are performed as well as experiments on the comparative growth of tree species and provenances using treatment combinations.